Duties, Directors, Board Evaluations Patrick Downes Duties, Directors, Board Evaluations Patrick Downes

New CRO Requirements


With effect from 23 April 2023, the Companies Registration Office (CRO) will require all directors of Irish companies to provide their personal public service number (PPSN) or a Verified Identity number (VIN) when:

  • Incorporating a new company (CRO Form A1)

  • Filing an annual return (CRO Form B1)

  • Notifying a change of director (CRO Form B10)

  • Notifying of ceasing to act as a director (CRO Form B69)

Requirement for identity verification

The requirement for directors to provide a PPSN was introduced by the Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Act 2021.

The purpose of the new disclosure requirement is:

  • To reduce the risk of identity theft by introducing additional identity validation checks when submitting personal information relating to directors to the CRO, and

  • To improve the accuracy and integrity of the information held by the CRO

A director’s unique PPSN will be used for identity validation purposes but will not appear on the summary page of any CRO filing, nor will it be publicly available.

Validated PPSN and VIN information will be stored securely by the CRO in an irreversible hashed/encrypted format.

Non-resident directors

Non-resident directors who do not have a PPSN will be required to apply to have a VIN issued to them by means of a Form VIF, or Declaration as to Verification of Identity. This form must state the name, date of birth, nationality and address of the director who is applying for the VIN.

The director must solemnly declare this information to be correct and true, and have this declaration verified, witnessed by a commissioner for oaths / notary and signed.

If an RBO Transaction Number was previously issued to a director for the purpose of filings with the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership of Companies and Industrial & Provident Societies (RBO), this number will be reclassified as a VIN and it will not be necessary to obtain and provide a separate number in these cases.

Verification discrepancies and potential delays

The CRO will verify the information provided by a director against the name and details held at the Department of Employment and Social Protection (DEASP) via an electronic interface. If there are any discrepancies in this information, it may result in the submission being rejected.

Given the requirement to provide either a PPSN or VIN on incorporation for all directors, there is a potential for delays with new company incorporations where non-resident directors may need to apply for a VIN in advance of submitting the incorporation application.


The implementation of the new PPSN requirement should greatly improve the overall accuracy of company information on the register in the long term. Given the potential for delays in the initial implementation period, companies and presenters should act now to ensure that the information held at the DEASP is consistent with the information held at the CRO or to apply for VIN where needed.

For more information regarding the new requirements, contact a member of the Lionheart Corporate Governance team.

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November 2022

• Advising a National Charity in the Early Years’ Service Provider sector and other educational bodies and institutions on the preparation and implementation of Strategic Plan’s. Facilitating stakeholder engagement sessions and undertaking Board evaluation’s against the relevant Codes.

#boardevaluations #boards

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Duties, Directors, New Legislation Patrick Downes Duties, Directors, New Legislation Patrick Downes



August 2022

Lionheart Delighted To Maintain It’s Rankings

As part of our client post engagement process, once assignments are completed we regularly undertake independent satisfaction surveys.

We are benchmarked against similar organisations operating and delivering services in the professional services arena and particularly in the area of Corporate Governance and Board Evaluations and Reviews.

Our recent results are once again reflecting very high satisfaction ratings against the global average and we are delighted that our partners and consultants are able to continue providing this independently verified level of service to our clients. #boardevaluations #boards

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