Recent Lionheart Engagements

  • Advising a National Charity in the Early Years’ Service Provider sector and other educational bodies and institutions on the preparation and implementation of Strategic Plan’s, facilitating stakeholder engagement sessions and undertaking Board evaluation’s against their relevant Codes.

  • Undertaking a Board evaluation for a Commercial Semi State organisation within the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies, 2016

  • Undertaking a Board evaluation of a Public Body, within the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies, 2016 and assisting with updates to their governing documents, to ensure compliance with the Code.

  • Providing Board Training / CPD modules to numerous clients covering such areas as:

            - Roles and Responsibilities of a Charity Trustee

            - ESG and Compliance Obligations under CSRD Regulations

            - Board Dynamics and EDI for Boards

            - Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies               

  • We recently advised a client on implementing an effective Board Succession Planning Policy. Our services included designing and delivering a Composition and Skillset Audit to support the process.

  • Advising companies on the drafting of up to date corporate governance policies reflecting best practice and ensuring their Governance document suite were fit for purpose.

#boardevaluations #boards


How to Run a Board Meeting


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