Duties, Directors, Board Evaluations Urban Brand Creative Duties, Directors, Board Evaluations Urban Brand Creative

Board Evaluations

Lionheart - A recognised leader in the field of Board Evaluations.

September 2022

A key component of good governance is evaluating the effectiveness of the Board and making the necessary adjustments.

Additionally, both the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2016) and the Charities Governance Code mandates it.

As a niche consultancy focused on Corporate Governance and Board Evaluations, Lionheart has carried out reviews and evaluations with excellent outcomes and added value for our clients accross the corporate spectrum.

“Its coming to that time of year once more where a lot of organisations are factoring in a Board Evaluation into to their Corporate Governance calenders”.

If you are considering such a review please contact us for details and or a quote at fiona@lionheart.ie or patrick@lionheart.ie

We would be delighted to have a chat with you about your requirements

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