Duties, Directors, Board Evaluations Patrick Downes Duties, Directors, Board Evaluations Patrick Downes

How to Run a Board Meeting

The Rules of Engagement

Some of you may be familiar of The Robert's Rules of Order ?

If you have attended a meeting no doubt you have come within their stated rules of engagement. They were written in 1876 and set the gold standard of how to proceduarly run meetings but how do they function as a best practises manual for boards in the contemporary, digital, and virtual era?

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Patrick Downes Patrick Downes

COVID 19 AGM - Rules Extended

The hastily adopted Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions)(Covid-19) Act 2020 (the "Covid-19 Act") was one of the many pro-business measures of the Irish Government to the issues posed by the beginning of Covid-19 in 2020.

These statutory measures, which overrule a company's written constitution, were only implemented for a limited time and were set to expire on April 30, 2022 have now been extended by the Government until 31 December 2022

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