Lionheart Snapshot - Measuring Culture

Rethinking -Board - Culture- For - Non Executive Directors -

Rethinking -Board - Culture- For - Non Executive Directors -

Fostering a Robust Organisational Culture

Imperative for Sustainable Success

In the contemporary landscape of business and philanthropy, the role of organisational culture in achieving sustainable success cannot be overstated. The pressing need to cultivate a strong culture is magnified for both profit-driven organizations and non-profits, including charities. This Lionheart Snapshot emphasises the urgency for proactive cultural development, particularly in light of evolving regulatory frameworks and the vital role Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) and Charity Trustees can play in this process.

The Urgency of Building a Strong Organisational Culture

The adage "culture eats strategy for breakfast" echoes a fundamental truth — a well-defined and nurtured organisational culture underpins the efficacy of any strategy.

Irish companies, such as Ryanair, and US-based multinational corporations like Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft, exemplify the profound impact that culture can have on organisational success. For instance, Apple's innovation-centric culture has been a cornerstone of its industry leadership, driving transformative products and experiences.

In the realm of non-profits, the importance of culture is equally critical. Charities must embody a culture of transparency, accountability, and mission-driven work to inspire trust among stakeholders and donors.

In both sectors, fostering a culture that values diversity, inclusion, and equality is imperative, not only from an ethical standpoint but also to harness a broader range of perspectives and ideas.

The Role of NEDs and Trustees in Cultivating Culture

Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) and Trustees, with their oversight and governance roles, are uniquely positioned to influence and shape organisational culture. They serve as the custodians of an organisation's values and ethics. By advocating for a strong, positive culture and championing diversity, inclusion, and equality, NEDs and Trustees pave the way for sustainable growth and resilience against emerging challenges.

As the regulatory landscape evolves, with upcoming changes like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the spotlight on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compliance intensifies. NEDs and Trustees must proactively engage with these changes, ensuring their organisations are not only compliant but also at the forefront of embracing ESG principles. This commitment goes beyond mere regulatory adherence; it reflects an organisation's dedication to responsible business practices and societal well-being.

Embracing a Visionary Approach

In this era of heightened awareness about social and environmental responsibilities, organisations and charities cannot afford to delay in cultivating a strong culture. The commitment to building an inclusive and ethical culture, steered by NEDs, Trustees, and executive leadership, offers a competitive advantage and a solid foundation for enduring success.

A positive board culture promotes effective governance, enhances board dynamics, and upholds the organisation's values and ethics. Furthermore, it enables the recruitment of diverse talent, leading to better decision-making and broader stakeholder representation. Boards must prioritise and continuously cultivate a culture that fosters collaboration, respect, and accountability to ensure long-term success and sustainable growth.

Contact us if you would like to have a chat on the subject…. 


1. Sinek, S. (2014). Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't. Portfolio.

2. Apple Inc. (2021). Apple's Approach to Privacy. Apple Inc.,

3. Facebook. (2021). Diversity and Inclusion. Facebook,

4. Microsoft. (2021). Diversity and Inclusion at Microsoft. Microsoft,

5. European Commission. (2021). Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). European Commission,

6. Institute of Directors in Ireland. (2021). Board Diversity: Building the Sustainable Company. Institute of Directors in Ireland,


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