Navigating the Complexities of Sustainability Reporting

Navigating the Complexities of Sustainability Reporting: Strategic Inquiries for Board Directors

In an era where sustainability and transparency are not just valued but expected, it’s crucial for boards to ensure their governance frameworks encompass comprehensive strategies for sustainability information, disclosure, and assurance. This it the 3rd in a set of Lionheart Corporate Governance knowledge sharing articles which are designed to steer board directors through evaluating and enhancing their organisations practices in these areas, ensuring that sustainability reporting is both rigorous and transparent.

1. Data Management Systems: What systems, including digital solutions, has management implemented to ensure the effective collection, analysis, and measurement of sustainability-related data? This inquiry aims to understand the infrastructure in place for handling complex sustainability data.

2. Data Reliability Controls: How does management verify the reliability of sustainability data, and what controls are in place to safeguard this information? This question scrutinises the mechanisms for ensuring data integrity.

3. Sustainability Reporting Leadership: Who holds the primary responsibility for sustainability reporting, and how does this intersect with the CFO's role concerning the interconnectedness of financial and sustainability information? This seeks clarity on accountability for sustainability reporting.

4. Consistency in Reporting: Are the assumptions and estimations used in financial and sustainability reporting consistent, ensuring uniformity across all disclosures? This probes the alignment between financial and sustainability reporting frameworks.

5. Internal Control Effectiveness: How does management evaluate and ensure the effectiveness of internal controls over sustainability reporting? Are any identified weaknesses being addressed? This question focuses on the robustness of internal control mechanisms related to sustainability reporting.

6. Preparation for ‘Double Materiality’ Assessment: How is our organisation gearing up for double materiality assessment and reporting, incorporating insights from risk managers and internal auditors? This inquiry examines readiness for comprehensive materiality assessments that consider both financial and non-financial impacts.

7. Disclosure of Material Information: How do we challenge management to guarantee that all materially relevant information is disclosed? Who ensures the completeness of such disclosures? This question seeks to understand the processes for ensuring full transparency.

8. Internal Audit’s Role in ESG Transformation: Is our Internal Audit department actively involved in the company’s ESG transformation, and in what capacity? Are we fully leveraging their expertise and advice? This explores the involvement and impact of the Internal Audit function in the organization’s ESG journey.

9. Integration of ESG in Audit Plans: Does our Internal Audit department incorporate ESG factors into its risk assessments and audit plans? This assesses the extent to which ESG considerations are embedded into internal auditing activities.

10. Coordination Among Assurance Providers: How do all assurance providers, both internal and external, coordinate their efforts to ensure comprehensive risk coverage and control effectiveness without significant oversight gaps? This inquires into the collaboration between various assurance functions to cover ESG risks adequately.

11. Selection Criteria for Sustainability Assurance Providers: What criteria do we or the audit committee employ when selecting a sustainability assurance provider? This question evaluates the decision-making process for engaging external assurance services for sustainability reporting.

A Call to Action

Understanding and addressing these intricate aspects of sustainability reporting are critical for boards committed to upholding high standards of governance, transparency, and accountability. By rigorously questioning and refining their organisation's approach to sustainability information, disclosure, and assurance, boards can significantly contribute to sustainable development goals while fostering trust among stakeholders.

For more detailed guidance or to discuss how your board can enhance its sustainability reporting and assurance practices, contact us. Our experts are prepared to assist you in navigating these challenges and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Partner with Lionheart Corporate Governance to ensure your board is equipped to meet the challenges of today and the future.


New Corporate Sustainability Reporting Law
