Good Governance: A Pathway to your Charities Success

Good Governance: A Pathway to your Charities Success

1. Importance of Good Governance

Good governance is the cornerstone of any successful charity, ensuring that the organisation achieves its objectives with integrity while being managed in an effective, efficient, accountable, and transparent manner. This involves setting up systems and processes that foster a culture of continuous improvement, accountability, and transparency.

2. Board Appraisal and Continuous Improvement

Regular board appraisals play a vital role in enhancing governance. Conducted ideally on an annual basis, these appraisals assess the board's performance, identifying strengths and addressing any areas needing improvement. This proactive approach encourages a culture of learning and development, holding trustees accountable and ensuring the board operates effectively.

3. Individual Charity Trustee Reviews

Focusing on the performance and contribution of individual trustees, these reviews facilitate open discussions on areas of strength and those needing development. This process not only enhances the board's functionality but also aids in succession planning, ensuring a robust governance framework.

4. Evaluation of the Chairperson

The chairperson's performance is crucial for the board's overall effectiveness. Evaluations should involve all trustees and consider the chairperson's leadership, communication, and ability to foster a constructive board culture. This ensures that the board's leadership remains strong and responsive to the charity's needs.

5. Skills Audit

Conducting a skills audit provides a clear picture of the board's collective competencies, identifying any gaps in skills, knowledge, and experience. This exercise is foundational for strategic planning, helping to align the board's composition with the charity's objectives and challenges.

6. Development Plan

The culmination of the appraisal process should be a comprehensive development plan that addresses identified gaps and outlines strategies for board enhancement. This plan is essential for continuous improvement, ensuring that the board remains aligned with the charity's evolving needs and objectives.


Good governance is not just a regulatory requirement; it's a strategic asset that can significantly enhance your charity's impact. Through regular board appraisals, individual reviews, skills audits, and targeted development plans, charities can ensure their governance structures support and advance their mission. Lionheart Corporate Governance specialises in helping charities navigate these processes, offering tailored advice and support to strengthen governance frameworks. For charities looking to maximise their potential through improved governance, Lionheart is here to help. Contact Fiona or Patrick at Lionheart for guidance on taking your charity's governance to the next level and ensuring your organisation is poised for success.


Contact Lionheart Corporate Governance for Corporate Governance Support or for For more detailed guidance or to discuss how your board can enhance its sustainability reporting and assurance practices, contact us. Our experts are prepared to assist you in navigating these challenges and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Partner with Lionheart Corporate Governance to ensure your board is equipped to meet the challenges of today and the future.


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